REsources & NEWS
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Project Shema, Founded by Jewish leaders with deep ties in social justice movements, Project Shema brings a fresh and humanizing approach to these challenging issues. Named after the Hebrew word Shema, which means “to hear”, “to listen”, or “understand,” Project Shema works to deepen understanding and build compassion and bridges across communities. Project Shema provides a truly unique, nuanced approach to antisemitism education for those working to ensure inclusive spaces for all Jews. The Jewish Community Relations Council in Seattle coordinates periodic local trainings with Project Shema.
Translate Hate, a glossary of antisemitic terms published by the AJC.
Pew Research, The share of U.S. adults who say there is a lot of discrimination against Jews in our society has doubled in the last three years, according to a new Pew Research Center survey, jumping from 20% in 2021 to 40% today.
The New Antisemitism, Time Magazine
Why The Most Educated People in American Fall for Anti-Semitic Lies, Dara Horn in The Atlantic
Seattle Jewish Leaders Launch Campaign Against Antisemitism, The Seattle Times, March 25, 2024
Seattle Area Jews Feel Sharp Rise in Antisemitism, The Seattle Times, November 6, 2023
Mayor Harrell Statement on Local Antisemitism, October 10, 2023