About Us

We are individuals, parents, students, leaders, teachers, activists, neighbors, business leaders, artists and civic leaders from around the Greater Seattle area committed to building safe and respectful communities for all. 

We come from a wide (and growing) spectrum of the Jewish community, representing all denominations and a wide range of political opinions. We are allies who want to stand alongside our Jewish neighbors, family members, coworkers, and friends. We all are about safeguarding the culture here.

This collective came together as we recognized the need to educate well meaning people about the real harm of antisemitism.  We are collaborating across organizations and affiliations to achieve a higher purpose in our community. 

Given the hostile environment towards Jewish people right now, we are reluctant to include our names in this public space. (If you needed proof that Jews are feeling scared, here it is.).  We are more than happy to have a conversation with you to share more about the leaders behind this initiative.  Please reach out.